Dec 15, 2022
Once again, the Founders are showing off their talent to address complex issues succinctly in the Bill of Rights with the Tenth Amendment. At just 28 words, the 10th amendment has a profound impact on the side-by-side existence of federal law and state law. Simply put, powers not delegated federally are reserved to...
Dec 9, 2022
The Ninth Amendment is not an amendment you hear discussed too often nor is there significant caselaw regarding it. However, that in no way diminishes the importance of it. To put simply, the Ninth Amendment is a guarantee the Bill of Rights does not limit our rights to only those previously enumerated in the...
Dec 1, 2022
We’ve spoken before of the Founders’ penchant for brevity. The Eighth Amendment takes that habit to a new level. Just 16 words long, it still manages to codify three separate clauses related to limiting fines and punishment. Just what are these three clauses? What is the history behind the concerns regarding...
Nov 18, 2022
The Founding Fathers were fond of brevity in creating our constitution. While few in words and somewhat overlooked compared to some of the other amendments, the 7th Amendment is long in impact. To be succinct, the 7th Amendment guarantees civil cases can be heard and decided by a jury. Why was this needed? What...
Nov 10, 2022
If someone is arrested in the United States, they will soon get their day in court to determine guilt or innocence, right? Imagine if that wasn’t always the case. Imagine you are arrested and the state keeps you locked up for an unspecified amount of time before going to trial. Sadly, this was reality before the...