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Constitutional Chats Presented By Constituting America

Jul 15, 2022

This is worth pondering. We know the very first article in the U.S. Constitution creates Congress and gives it power at the same time.  For lawmaking authority to be delegated to Congress, that means that power already existed but wasn’t delegated, right?  Where did that power reside? The answer to that question is found in the first 3 words in the Preamble, “We The People.”  If the legislative branch writes law, the executive branch enforces law and the judiciary adjudicates and interprets law, the next logical question must be what are laws?  How are they enforced through a system of punishments and rewards?  We know this is a lot of questions to ask all at once.  But these questions and so many more are discussed in this week’s chat with our special guest, Dr. Adam Carrington with Hillsdale College, and our student panel with new student panelist, Halley Moak!