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Constitutional Chats Presented By Constituting America

Oct 26, 2023

The Fourth Amendment provides two specific protections: protection against unreasonable searches and seizures and requirements for when a warrant can be issued.  At only 54 words, the amendment continues the Founders’ penchant for brevity and leaves room for interpretation through the courts. How do we define what is unreasonable and probable and how has this standard changed over time?  At one point the United States Supreme Court said a search had to involve a physical trespass onto your property.  Obviously that standard has changed due to wiretaps and electronic communication.  To help us unpack the ever-changing circumstances around how we define searches, seizures and warrants, we are pleased to have Steven G. Bradbury joining our student panel.  Mr Bradbury is a Distinguished Fellow at the Heritage Foundation and has served in multiple Presidential administrations in various legal roles and will provide us with a keen insight into the Fourth Amendment.