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Constitutional Chats Presented By Constituting America

Feb 5, 2021

Continuing our discussion of the progressive era amendments with the 18th Amendment, which prohibited “the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors,” and the 21st Amendment, which repealed the 18th Amendment and returned control of liquor laws to state and local governments. Continuing our “The Amendments and YOU!” series, Janine Turner, Cathy Gillespie, and Tova Love Kaplan interview Dr. Gordon Lloyd on the temperance movement, impacts on interstate commerce and federalism, and how the 21st Amendment is unique in its Constitutional impact, as the only Amendment to directly repeal another Amendment, and the only Amendment ratified by state ratifying conventions rather than state congresses.

Episode 56 of Constitutional Chats Podcast. Livestreamed on 02/02/2021. Sign up for our next Constitutional Chat via Zoom at