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Constitutional Chats Presented By Constituting America

Sep 29, 2022

When someone refers to the First Amendment, they are often referring to freedom of speech.  Are you aware that there are actually 6 enumerated freedoms protected in the First Amendment?  Along with speech, the First Amendment guarantees Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Peaceably Assemble, Freedom to Petition...

Sep 22, 2022

We are kicking off a new series today focusing on the Bill of Rights.  Hopefully we all know the Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution and enshrine some of the most basic tenets of liberty and freedom we know today.  But what do we know beyond that?  What do we know about how it came to pass...

Sep 15, 2022

It’s been called “The Miracle at Philadephia.”  Though most of us, we hope, know our Constitution was an experiment in self-government, do we really understand how revolutionary it was in the late 18th century to create such a government or the struggles endured to see it signed and ratified?  The Founders...

Sep 8, 2022

Buckle up, we are going to cover a lot of ground today!  As we have learned, the grand structures of our government were created in earlier articles in the US Constitution: Congress, the Presidency, the Judiciary, the Amendment Process, the guarantee of republicanism.  Article VI codified that debts incurred by the...

Sep 2, 2022

Through Articles, 1-4, The Constitution gives us three branches of government and guarantees republicanism to the states. Should we later desire an amendment to the Constitution, how would that happen?  Article V answers that question by codifying an amendment process.  The Founders wanted to strike the right balance...