Feb 23, 2024
At Constituting America, we love to talk about federalism. Federalism is a founding principle that government authority is best when one central government does not have all authority, but it is divvied up between local, state and national government. Have you ever thought about why we have this system and what its...
Feb 16, 2024
We have a military. We have a militia. When it comes to protecting our citizens, both play a role. The same militia mentioned in the second amendment is actually defined in 10 U.S. Code § 246 as able-bodied men over 17 and under 45 years old, who are or intend to become US citizens and female citizens who are...
Feb 8, 2024
One of the biggest events in the news lately has been the situation at our southern border and illegal immigration. Texas, due to its lengthy border with Mexico, is front and center in this discussion that involves the role both state and federal governments play in immigration. While the U.S. Constitution says...
Feb 2, 2024
Since World War II, the United States, as the world’s lone superpower, has promoted democracy around the world with a focus on the longevity of the nation-state. After all, a nation-state that is whole and free, holds free and frequent elections and is representative of its people will tend to have greater...